domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

PowerPoint y ExposicionesEefectivas

Hola chicos!!
A continuación les dejo información para la evaluación de la próxima semana sobre Presentaciones Efectivas en PowerPoint y como exponer, no dejen de ver los videos que se encuentran a continuación que amplian la información.

Muchos Cariños!!

Prof. Patricia Ferrer

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Visita a Expouniversidad


Una recorrida por los stands para conocer un poco más de la oferta académica de nuestras universidades.

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

What would you do if ...?

  Here`s the link of one video we shared in class.  

Now, think ... 


lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Realidad Aumentada vs. Realidad Virtual

Hola Chicos!!

Les dejos a continuación una nueva guía de trabajo, relacionada con la Realidad Aumentada y la Realidad Virtual, la cual deben imprimir para la próxima clase, a fin de comenzar con la actividad.
Asimismo les propongo ver el video que se encuentra después de la misma, lo comentaremos en clases.

Prof. Patricia M. Ferrer

Realidad aumentada Vs. Realidad virtual from patrimoni

Realidad Aumentada 

Realidad Virtual

Special Assignment: “CSI”. You should hand in a clean and typed copy.

Names: __________

After watching the CSI episode, work on the following activities.

1. Answer the questions as completely as you can.

a. What things did Nick find there on the street the beginning of the episode?
b. What is the meaning of CSI?
c. What were everyone doing the night before? How did Nick end up in the crime scene alone? How did Warrick and Nick decide who was going to take the case?
d. Where was Nick? What did the kidnapper leave him with?
e. What did the CSIs receive at the crime lab? What did the kidnapper want?
f. Why did Katherine go to see his father Sam at the casino?
g. What happened when Grissom went to hand in the money?
h. By using the kidnapper thumb… who did they find?
i. Why did Nick shoot at the light inside the box?
j. When Nick was recording the cassette he said something to Grissom, which we did not hear, and to which Grissom said: “no, you never did”. What do you think he said?
k. When they found Nick why do you think that Grissom called him “Poncho”? Who had said that before? What was Nick’s reaction to that name?
l. What did they have to do with so much dirt?
m. What would you have done in Nick’s situation?
n. The episode is called “grave danger”. Can you think of another name for the episode?

2. Vocabulary: Complete the sentences using vocabulary about crime

a. Nick took pictures to use as E _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
b. He said: I can’t move the “body” until the C _ _ _ _ _ releases the scene.
c. Katherine put on her gloves to avoid leaving her F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the crime scene.
e. The crime of taking someone by force id called K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
f. When you want to locate a person you use a T _ _ _ _ _.
g. When you help a murderer you are A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to murder.

3.Write a summary of the episode, including at least 2 phrasal verbs, and your personal opinion of it. ( no less than 100 words).


jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013


In class we learnt about stereotypes

"How to be Argentinian?" was an interesting topic!

Watch this music video by Sting in which he sings  ...
"And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
I'm an Englishman in New York

Here´s the link

Mrs. Bárbara

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Ejercicios Evaluativos Excel 2010

Hola Chicos!

A continuación les dejo los link para que bajen los archivos con los ejercicios de Excel que deben enviar vía mail a, el día 13/04/13.



Prof. Patricia Ferrer

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Hola Chicos,

Como quedamos en clases, les subo el archivo con los ejercicios para practicar, para la evaluación del día 11/04.
Cualquier duda me consultan.


Prof. Patricia Ferrer

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

Informática - Ejercitación Excel

Hola  Chicos!!
Como quedamos les adjunto el archivo de excel para que apliquen las formulas que repasamos esta semana.
La fecha de entrega del mismo es el 27/03/12, sin excepción.
En el  vinculo que se encuentra a continuación podrán obtener el archivo en formato xls.

Prof. Patricia Ferrer