martes, 24 de junio de 2014

What do you remember about your childhood? What are the best things about being a child?
Now, take some minutes to read about Solana´s feelings and thoughts.

When you are a child everything is easier. Your parents do all for you, and you don’t have any problems. You don’t have to study, you don’t have to work and you don’t have to pay anything. That’s the best thing to be a child. The worst thing about being a child, in my opinion, is that you depend on your parents, so you can’t do anything alone. Nowadays, I don’t have any children, but in a future I wanna have just one.
I don’t have sisters or brothers, but when I was a child, I used to visit my cousin and we used to have fun, but she moved with her family and I never see her again, but we keep in touch, talking by phone or chatting on the computer and we are good friends.
When I was a child I didn’t like some vegetables like broccoli or carrots but nowadays I love them.
I used to have a teddy bear called Tommy that I loved so much but one day I lost Tommy and I cried for a week so my parents bought me a new teddy bear and they told me that it was Tommy. Finally I stopped crying and I was happy with my new teddy bear. Nowadays I still have it.
I didn’t use to like the school because I didn’t like a teacher. All in all I had a lot of friends. The best subject was Spanish because I had a good teacher, and the worst subject was maths because it was very hard to me.
When I was a child I used to have a horrible habit. I bit my nails but nowadays I don’t do that anymore.
When I was five years old I went with my parents to Disney and I still remember the smell of fried food.

domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

Portfolio de trabajos

Hola chicos!!

A continuación les dejo la actividad que deben realizar con los trabajos de photoshop y  el programa Wix, también les acerco dos manuales de Wix para que tengan como material de consulta.


Prof. Patricia Ferrer

Wix1 from patrimoni

Otro Manual

Link a una pagina con un excelente tutorial online.

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014


What do you remember about your childhood? What are the best things about being a child?
Take some minutes to read about Francisco´s feelings and thoughts.

My childhood

Childhood is one of the best parts of the life. My childhood was really good. The best thing about being a child is that you don't have to worry about anything, you are only eating, playing, and sleeping all the day. The worst thing about being a child is that you have to do all that your parents say. Im 16 years old so I don't have children, Im too young. Im the youngest child in the family, I have an older brother. I think the best situation is having at least one or two brothers to be more in the family. I think being the only child is the worst. My grandad and my uncle used to be my favourite relatives. They make me feel happy and, they give me fun and they teach me what to do. My favourite toy was Vegeta of Dragon Ball Z. I still have it. As a child, I used to hate eating tomatoes and carrots. I dislike the taste and the colour and I still hate them. The most vivid memory of the home where I grew up is the image of my family and me playing with cards. I still live in the same house. The smell that I can recall from my childhood is the smell of my grandmother food and the sound of her calling me to go to eat. My earliest memory of life was in the kinder when I was 3 or 4 years old playing with friends. I actually don't remember it but I remember remembering it. When I was a child I don't have any irritating habit. The only thing that could be irritating is the way I talk. I said like a million words per minute. Now i don't talk too much. In the start of school all the subjects were easy but now all are hard except physical education. My favourite subject is P.E. cause I don't like to study. My least favourite subject is Literature. I don't understand anything about that subject. Some teachers are really good and some others are really bad.
   To sum up, childhood is one of the best things that happen in the human life and you have to enjoy it the more you can.

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

Tutorial para WINPLOT

Estimados alumnos:
                            En este archivo de PDF encontrarán instrucciones para el uso del graficador Winplot. El tutorial posee otras opciones que no hemos visto, ustedes podrán utilizar aquellas que sean aplicables a las funciones polinómicas.
                                  También les sugiero el siguiente video cuyo link es:

                                            Espero que la información les resulte útil. Saludos,

                                                                 Prof. Noelia Spagnolo